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Catania Sud, Italy

Order Code: WW2-382 Categories: , ,

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We are excited to offer a wonderful collection of World War II maps. Over the years we have had many requests for WWII material and here it is. These maps are very detailed showing triginometric stations, churches, chapels, farms, hotels, boathouses, factories, power stations, brickworks, mills, sawmills, parade grounds, mines, quarries, seashores, rocks above water, rocks below water, lighthouses, beacons, boundaries (international, provincial, district, parish, municipal), roads (main, parish, private), cart tracks, paths, winter roads, railways, electric tramways, horse tramways, aerial railways, telegraph lines and offices, glaciers, marshes, coniferous woods, and deciduous woods.

Size: 27.5 x 20 inches
Condition: good
Map Maker: Army Map Service, U.S. Army, U.S. Government
Coloring: Printed Color
Year: 1943

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