Map of the City of Ancient Rome During its Greatness / Map of Ancient Italy Proper

Order Code: CRAM-1900-ANCIENT-ROME-ITALY Categories: , ,

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This map was created by George F. Cram for Crams Universal Atlas, Geographical, Astronomical and Historical in 1900. In 1869 the George F. Cram Company was born and the Cram name quickly became synonymous with accuracy and innovation. These maps illustrate cities, towns, major transportation routes, railroads, and topographical features are noted. Maps by George Cram continue to fill collector and gift needs as they have for many years. This is a double map, the first is a city map of Ancient Rome during its greatness in B.C.30 – A.D.400 showing the many mountains, bridges, and other major city features, like the Coliseum and Theatre of Pompey. The other is of Ancient Italy Proper B.C.800-266 divided into the Sabellian and Latin nations.

Size: 12 x 9.25 inches
Condition: Very Good, light age toning
Map Maker: George F. Cram
Coloring: Printed Color
Year: 1900

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