Vereinigte Staaten und Mexiko (United States and Mexico)

Order Code: DIERCKE-1902-US-MEX Categories: , ,

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This map was produced for the 1902 Diercke, Schul-Atlas fur Hohere Lehranstalten, (Diercke Education Atlas for Higher Educational Institutions) This atlas was prepared and issued by C. Diercke and E.Gaebler for the Westermann publishing group in Braunschweig. With the help of fellow cartographer, Eduard Gaebler, Carl Dierckes maps became a staple in the geography classrooms in Germany. From 1893 until his death, Diercke was editor of all the maps for Westermann Verlag. All text is in German with full color that has remained quite bold. A wonderful example of the fine German engraving work of the time. These beautiful, topographic maps show the physical attributes and contours of the land as well as identifies cities, countries, rivers, mountains, boundaries, and more. They are double sided maps (shown side by side in image) which have corresponding information to the country on the opposite side. This map shows the United States and Mexico on one side and six smaller maps with information on North America including: New York u. Umgegend (New York and environs), Baltimore u. Washington, Verbreitung der Neger u. Indianer (Dissemination of Negroes and Indians), Verbreitung der Deutschen (Dissemination of the German), Nationalpark (National Park – Yellowstone), and S. Francisco u. Umgegend (San Francisco and environs). There is also a single side topographic map of the West Indies which includes the islands of the Bahamas and Central America.

Size: 15 x 12 inches
Condition: Very Good, light age toning, archivally reinfornced seam
Map Maker: Carl Diercke, Eduard Gaebler
Coloring: Printed Color
Year: 1902

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