This is a fine art lithograph. It’s an original work of fine art which was produced at the prestigious S2 Atelier in New York City in 1997. It was inspired by a poster first created in 1930. These fine art lithographs are recreations of the original. Great care was taken to precisely re-create the artists original image. Most of the chromists hand draw directly onto specially prepared surfaces that are then transferred onto lithographic plates. Lithography involves creating hand drawn plates, one for each color, which are then ‘pulled’ through antique printing presses one color at a time. The resulting lithograph is in pure color, as opposed to the dot structure which occurs in the photographic process of modern printing. At the heart of the S2 Atelier are it’s two rare, French made Marinoni Voirin ‘editioning’ printing presses ‘ they both date back to the mid 19th century. These are the best fine art lithographs made in the industry today. You cannot find anything better than these.Robert Falucci was a painter and illustrator, as well as a poster designer. Although he was known for his depiction of automobiles, he became famous for his Monaco poster designs of the 1930s.The Monaco Grand Prix” came about because of the ambition of the founder of the Automobile Club of Monaco. The Club had originally organized traditional road races, up and down the Riviera, called Monte Carlo Rallies, but since they overlapped into neighboring France or even Italy, they didn’t qualify as “national” races. To gain acceptance as a national Club, the Automobile Club of Monaco therefore organized a race entirely within the principality of Monaco. The novelty scored big with the international set at its introduction in 1929; this is a poster for the second running the subsequent year. “Monaco Grand Prix” is the first real poster for this race; the first poster, for 1929, contained no image. This design, with a twilight view of Monte Carlo behind the zooming racer, is perhaps the rarest and most valued of them.”