Map of Tiverton

Order Code: RI-1895-TIVERTON Categories: ,

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We are proud to offer this Map of Tiverton, Rhode Island, published by Everts and Richards in their “Atlas of Rhode Island” in 1895. These fine, large-scale maps show buildings, large property owners, roads, railroads, public buildings, bridges, stage lines, electric car lines, churches, which buildings were wood, brick or stone, barns, stables, icehouses, telegraph offices , and fire houses. These maps offer an amazing look at turn of the century Rhode Island towns. Also included are inset maps of North Tiverton and Tiverton 4 Corners.

Size: 20 x 30 inches
Condition: Good - age toning
Map Maker: Everts and Richards
Coloring: Original Hand Color
Year: 1895

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