Washington Port Orchard Southern Part

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WII U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (U.S.C. & G.S.) map. Chart # 6444 Originally published at Washington D.C. Jan 1938. This map is very detailed showing land masses, roads, towns, rivers, lakes, swamps, some topographic marks, towers, harbors, ledges, beaches, rocks, points, heads, shoals, fish trap areas, prohibited areas, coves, railroads, intracoastal waterways, and depth readings all along the coast. This map would make a great gift if you live in this area or know someone who does. Has the Department of Commerce seal printed on map. Note: Date hand stamped at date of issue on outside of margin. Other information detailed on map: —Notes area for “Anchorage for Explosives” —sOUNDINGS IN FEET AT MEAN LOW WATER” —Includes details of: Lights, Buoys, radio beacon, Coast Guard Stations, radio towers, day beacons, storm warnings, authorities, nautical miles, and a tide level chart for different locations. —“Warning: Aids to navigation may be altered, interrupted or removed without notice. In general temporary changes due to war conditions are not incorporated on the chart.”‘

Size: 44 x 32.5 inches
Condition: Excellent
Map Maker: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
Coloring: Color
Year: 1945

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